Power Grid

For this blog, I am discussing an article I found on the Daily Kos written by Walter Einenkel. the article starts by talking about Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) a company that had to file for bankruptcy after the wildfires that have taken place over California and led to billions of liability cases which crippled the company. San Franciso offered 2.5 billion dollars to buy the electrical Grid from PG&E. why wouldn't the company take the offer? Walter Einenkel found this statement from the city attorney "We're not interested in profit. We're interested in providing safe affordable power to ratepayers rather than trying to make sure that stockholders are getting some great rate of return on their investment." This statement alone made me want to side with the company agreeing with the city attorney, and after all affordable anything for the public, I can get behind. PG&E cam back with a statement to decline the offer and instead of working on the power grid that has affected millions test for potential dangers they instead " pad their executives’ bonuses and shareholder prices" Einenkel writes. while the Blog is short he leaves with a statement that you can agree on make sense. even for being only three paragraphs long the reader can tell he has gone to the trouble of looking for facts and even included excerpts. overall I found the article to be a good read and would like to see more from this writer. I would recommend reading more from this site.


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